PST 2024 Annual Contest Brochure (updated 03/2/2024)
PST 2024 Annual Contest Winners Announced!
Deadline: Entries must be postmarked by August 15.
Entries in the Annual Contests are mailed to the PST Annual Contests Chairman:
Poems that contain explicit sexual language or expletives cannot be considered for recognition.
The Chairman is responsible for selecting judges, except when the sponsor names the judge. Each contest is judged by one competent judge, unless otherwise specified. Each judge selects the winning poems in a given contest, ranks the top ten poems by titles and numbers, and returns the poems to the Chairman.
The Chairman prepares a list of winners which is submitted to the Annual Contests Committee which is comprised of the President, the Vice President and the Treasurer of PST. If, in the opinion of the Committee, no entry in a contest measures up to the desired standard, the award may be withheld. 1st place winners are notified by mail.
1st, 2nd and 3rd place contest winners are announced at the Annual Awards Banquet in Dallas each year. 1st place winners who are present read their poems.
1st place poems may not be published in any media before they appear in the PST A Book of the Year. (Refer to Rule #6 under Eligibility of Poems in ABOTY.) Thereafter, full rights revert to the authors. The authors retain full claim to non-winning poems and poems winning other than 1st place.